Kolossi Preceptory No. 684

Knights Templar & Malta

The Preceptory Meets at the Masonic rooms, Jerusalem Street, Limassol

On 3rd Saturday in January – 2nd Sat in May [Installation] and 3rd Sat in September.

Kolossi Preceptory 684

According to legend, the Knights Templar was founded in 1118 AD to protect pilgrims heading for Jerusalem and the Christian Holy places, where the small band of warrior monks established a headquarters. In the year 1118 AD King Baldwin II granted the Templars quarters on the Temple Mount and this forms the link to the Royal Arch. Many men, of noble birth, joined the ranks of the Templar Order. Those who were unable to join often gifted the Templars with land and other valuables.

Modern Masonic association with these medieval defenders of the Christian Holy places is linked by the ceremony of Installation in which the Candidate takes the part of a Pilgrim who, by symbolically embarking on a Crusade, is elevated to Knighthood.

The United Grand Lodge of England is the original Founding and Ruling Masonic Authority for Freemasonry in Cyprus; with St Paul’s Lodge No 2277 first consecrated in 1888. The Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas are the Ruling Authority for the Knights Templar Degree. The Templar Degree is one of the oldest of the “Chivalric Degrees” a strictly Christian Degree, members referred to as the Poor Soldiers of Christ and the Order of the Temple of Solomon.

Members have to be Master Masons of a least one years standing and Members of the Holy Royal Arch. Membership is very select and strictly by Invitation.

E. Knight Angelos Kyriakoudes, Eminent Preceptor 2024 – 2025

For more information contact Registrar – E.Kt. Dr. A. Ashdjian

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